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Toate colecțiileInvestorsVII. Performance and reporting
3. When and how does Fagura update the interest rates and the expected return rate?
3. When and how does Fagura update the interest rates and the expected return rate?
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The interest rates applicable to each loan class (A, B, C, D, E, F or G) are fixed throughout the duration of the loan. These rates are periodically updated and are applied only to new loans listed on the platform after the change. Updated interest rates do not affect current loans. There are a variety of reasons why interest rates are updated, including macroeconomic conditions, supply and demand on the Fagura platform, the evolution of default loans.

As an investor, you should expect interest rates and default rates to change periodically. Such changes could influence your investment decisions. The information updates on Fagura will always be current and accurate, and will reflect any updates and changes to these rates. Investors should review the site and be aware of current rates when making investment decisions.

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