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Toate colecțiileInvestorsV. Automatic Investments (to be released)
6. How does the automated investment module select the loans that will be funded from the investor's name and how long does this process take?
6. How does the automated investment module select the loans that will be funded from the investor's name and how long does this process take?
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Your automated investment option will be automatically reviewed up to four times a day to determine the cash available in your account, the funding requests placed on the Platform and the number of requests matching your pre-set criteria for the automated investment module.

The automated investment module gives priority to applications with larger investor accounts of available cash. The automated investment module does NOT prioritize accounts based on the preferential selection of certain investment criteria.

Note that the application of restrictive filters, such as higher demand classes (for example, B, C and D rated borrowers, if these classes are in high demand at that time) can fast reduce cash outflow and can limit the ability of the automated investment module to select new loans for funding.

Bear in mind that the frequency of selecting loans to finance is based on the cash balance of your account, the availability of loan applications that meet your investment criteria and the demand from other investors. Cash in your account can be used immediately or over a longer period of time and there may be weeks when several loans are funded and weeks when loans are not funded at all.

This information is not intended as an investment advice. You should contact a financial consultant if you have questions or need additional information.

 Selection of applications to be selected for funding

Before each placement, the automated investment module analyzes the updated balance of your account, available for new funding and investment criteria. If your investment criteria requires to target certain categories of loans, then the automated investment module will place your money only on those loans that meet these criteria.

The order in which the funding will be placed depends on the available cash balance, the list of requests that meet your criteria and the demand from other investors, so that loans may not be available for financing at certain stages. But over time, the automated investment module will continually seek new loan requests, some of which will eventually meet your investment criteria.

Note that if your investment criteria includes conflicting filters or a money allocation for those loan categories that have a higher demand for other investors, it may be difficult or impossible for the automated investment module to use the money from your account.

Note that the automated investment module does not select loans to rebalance your portfolio. It just places money in your name to finance those loans that meet the pre-established criteria.

If two or more loan applications meet all of your investment criteria, the automated investment module will select for investment the application that has been posted on the Platform for a longer period of time.

Click here to enter your account and try the automatic investments.

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