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Toate colecțiileInvestorsV. Automatic Investments (to be released)
4. Is it possible to stop or suspend the automatic investment module?
4. Is it possible to stop or suspend the automatic investment module?
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Yes it is. If you want to temporarily stop the automated investment module, select the switch on your user profile. It will take up to a few minutes for the suspension to take effect and the orders can continue to be automated from your account up to that point. Stopping the automated investment module will not undo previous automated placements made in your name.

If you want to invest a larger amount or have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us through our support chat on the platform (orange button, bottom right). You can also email us at -, or call us at +373 78 200 003.

Click here to enter your account and try the automatic or manual investments. For a faster and more pleasant experience, we suggest that you download the Fagura app on your phone or tablet from Google Play and/or the App Store.

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