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Toate colecțiileInvestorsVIII. Recovery of problematic loans
2. What happens if the borrower becomes a victim of identity theft?
2. What happens if the borrower becomes a victim of identity theft?
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We reimburse to investors the unpaid balance of their own investment in the loan obtained through identity fraud. Generally, we recognize the existence of identity fraud after receiving a report from the police about the identity fraud. This refund for identity fraud provides only assurance that we verify the identity of the borrower and in no case this is a guarantee of the information provided by the borrower (beyond the borrower's identity) or the borrower's creditworthiness.

Fagura uses robust authentication technology to verify identity. If you suspect that one of your loans is associated with a case of identity theft, please contact us at In the case of proven identity theft, Fagura will pay the investor the unpaid balance of his investment.

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